Agribusiness and big finance’s dirty alliance is anything but “green”

Agribusiness and big finance’s dirty alliance is anything but “green”


New trends in so-called ‘green finance’, such as green bonds and “nature-based” finance, have gained momentum. This has had an influence across the policy sphere. These trends, however, have had limited impact on corporate actors which have found creative ways to adapt – maintaining their money supply whilst demonstrating limited dedication to legitimately reducing their impact on the environment. Green labels gained through the implementation of NbS such as planting trees to offset carbon are thus shown to serve limited social and environmental benefits. On the contrary, they have perpetuated many of the injustices they claim to address. A redistribution of power from corporations to people is thus critical for achieving a sustainable agriculture industry.

Key words: Green bonds, Corporate Greenwashing, Green Finance, Financialisation 

Agribusiness and big finance’s dirty alliance is anything but “green”